Postpartum Depression Definition Medical Dictionary

Postpartum blues gynecology a prolonged period of depression and flattened affect which begins within a few wks of delivery and may last for months.
Postpartum depression definition medical dictionary. Postpartum definition of or noting the period of time following childbirth. Treatment involves counseling and or medications. Postpartum refers to the mother and postnatal to the baby. Postpartum depression is moderate to severe depression in a woman after she has given birth.
Occurring in or being the period following childbirth postpartum depression. The period just after delivery as with postpartum depression. Most of the time it occurs within the first 3 months after delivery. But some new moms experience a more severe long lasting form of depression known as postpartum depression.
Continue scrolling or click here for related slideshow. It may occur soon after delivery or up to a year later. It can occur a few days weeks or even months after childbirth. Keep scrolling for more.
Rarely an extreme mood disorder called postpartum psychosis also may develop after childbirth. A form of severe depression after delivery that interferes with daily functioning and requires treatment. Depression that develops after a woman gives birth. A stress reaction in after delivery characterized by depression fatigue irritability insomnia which if extreme may result in infanticide.
Sometimes it s simply a complication of giving birth. Medicinenet does not provide medical advice diagnosis or treatment. Being in or used in the postpartum period postpartum mothers. Disorders linked to depression include dysthymia major depressive disorder schizoaffective disorders bipolar disorders seasonal affective disorders postpartum depressive disorders and mood disorders caused by substance abuse or other medical conditions.
Definition of postpartum depression. A feeling of deep sadness anxiety etc that a woman feels after giving birth to a child.